Letters to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Premiers’ stance worrisome

3 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Absent in the ongoing debate regarding funding of health care between the federal and provincial/territorial governments is the lack of openness on the part of the premiers regarding their objectives and intentions.


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In a recent article, with photo in regard to “homelessness” and the homeless living in a bus shelter, I was struck by the picture. It showed how organized the person who was living in the bus shelter seemed to be. What I saw was what looked like a shelving unit and the person’s belongings organized in “an orderly fashion.” What did I expect? Well, assuming that being homeless implies “chaos,” then certainly a much less orderly appearance of the bus shelter might be expected. In essence, that person had made the bus shelter a “home.” So, what to make of that?

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: There is always a limit to growth

1 minute read Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022

Re: “Don’t Trade Away Our Future” by Quentin Robinson (Dec. 20). Very well said.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: What about downtown?

2 minute read Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022

Quentin Robinson’s letter (Dec. 20) opposing Brandon City Council’s plan to build a large box store complex on the western side of the city raises several important points city council will do well to consider. The plan is definitely regressive rather than progressive.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Christmas memories sweeten with age

3 minute read Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022

Growing up in a family of six children and two hard-working parents on a small, Prairie farm during the 1950s, there was seldom anything left over for extras after feeding, clothing and educating us. Christmas would definitely fall into that “extra” category. However, Christmas can be as much a creature of the imagination as an exciting reality, so in spite of the meagreness of our existence, Christmas was a very big deal to me!

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Don’t trade away our future

4 minute read Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022

On Dec. 12, there was a special meeting of Brandon City Council to hear information regarding a decision to spend more than $30 million on pumping stations to meet the sewer and water needs of proposed development in the southwest of the city.

To understand the debate regarding health care in Canada between the federal and provincial governments, reference must be made to the Canadian Constitution.

Tory policies on drug use need improvement

2 minute read Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022

Deveryn Ross’ column (“Poilievre stoops to scare tactics,” Nov. 30) is a reminder of how tiresome Conservatives can be when it comes to policies on drug use. The expression “same old, same old” comes to mind.

Non-profits must work together

4 minute read Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022

The editorial “Root causes of social issues must be addressed before change can happen” touches on economy as a reason for Brandon’s social issues. While I agree with the writer’s perspective as to what many communities across Canada are facing, I think their second to last paragraph speaks to the larger truth.

Public good has fallen to the wayside

1 minute read Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022

As citizens of this country, we need to decide what kind of a country we want to live in. A healthy, vibrant, rural economy with small family farms and small, local abattoirs, which is good for urban Canada as well.

Outward growth not all it’s chalked up to be

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Outward growth not all it’s chalked up to be

1 minute read Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022

Last week, Deveryn Ross wrote about Brandon’s current development trends and the myth that new homes on the edge of Brandon are money-makers and somehow better for the city. I was glad to see that myth dispelled and hope the taxpayers of Brandon are listening.

Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022

The Brandon skyline is reflected on the Assiniboine River. Madelyn Robinson says: “Instead of providing private parkland for some, let’s work toward a climate resilient, caring community that makes services for all a priority.”

The Brandon skyline is reflected on the Assiniboine River. Madelyn Robinson says: “Instead of providing private parkland for some, let’s work toward a climate resilient, caring community that makes services for all a priority.”

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City must re-examine pool priorities

3 minute read Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022

About that pool.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Why not an indoor water park?

3 minute read Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022

Brandon requires a year-round aquatic facility that will not only meet the needs of a diverse range of user groups, but also benefit the Keystone Centre as it seeks to wean itself off the public purse.

LETTER: Performance measures recipe for societal tragedy

3 minute read Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022

There seems to be an inherent truth in having organizations implement a performance measurement and performance management system, which makes the Manitoba government’s intended use of performance measures with respect to universities in determining provincial funding levels of a university appear reasoned and valid.

LETTER: Make home care a priority right now

2 minute read Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022

When will the government take people’s health seriously? Despite it being exponentially less expensive to care for people in their homes, the home care system is inadequately staffed to care for the number of clients it has.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Stefanson’s new war on crime

4 minute read Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022

Last week, Manitoba’s Progressive Conservative government announced a war on what they call a crime in this province. They created a new interprovincial police unit to target persons involved in repeat transgressions.