
Support for Ukraine a priceless investment

4 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

One ally stared down an almost daily bombardment from the skies and the threat of invasion by a ruthless dictator. Another ally stares down an almost daily bombardment from the skies and an invasion launched by another ruthless dictator.


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Questions loom large after council meeting

Elliott Oleson 5 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

“Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions: why am I doing it? What might the results be? And will I be successful? Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, proceed.”

Disability policy tests Canadian values

Rabia Khedr 4 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

It’s perplexing for disabled people and advocates that while so many media headlines point to the extreme financial struggles of people with disabilities in our inflationary economy, the powers that be continue debating details.

‘Spares’ play integral role in British history

Emilie M. Brinkman 7 minute read Preview

‘Spares’ play integral role in British history

Emilie M. Brinkman 7 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

Prince Harry’s highly anticipated memoir was released on Tuesday. Despite tight security measures, there were several leaked bombshells, and the book’s release promises to further fuel royal drama with its raw account of the prince’s experience in the royal family.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

Britain’s Prince William, Prince of Wales (left), and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, attend the state funeral of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II in London on Sept. 19, 2022. Royal spares have occupied an interesting and complicated role within English history, Emilie M. Brinkman writes. (File)

Britain’s Prince William, Prince of Wales (left), and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, attend the state funeral of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II in London on Sept. 19, 2022. Royal spares have occupied an interesting and complicated role within English history, Emilie M. Brinkman writes. (File)

Provinces must move to support sick workers

4 minute read Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023

“If there’s two different companies offering the same job, you’re going to go with the company that is giving you more and giving you that work-life balance. We don’t need to be that office hero and go to work when we’re sick. It’s now frowned upon, where three years ago that was almost an expectation where no matter what, you’re at work.”

We all pay for grocery theft

Sylvain Charlebois 4 minute read Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023

Grocery theft has always been a major problem, but with food inflation as it is, shopkeepers now fear the wrongdoers more than before.

Lack of clarity, planning not helping anyone

5 minute read Preview

Lack of clarity, planning not helping anyone

5 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

In 2017, former Progressive Conservative health minister Kelvin Goertzen stood before reporters gathered at the Brandon Regional Health Centre to announce a major overhaul of emergency medical services that would particularly affect rural Manitoba.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

A lack of emergency services puts Manitobans and their communities at risk. (File)

Winnipeg Free Press file
A lack of emergency services puts Manitobans and their communities at risk.

Departing MLAs are not ‘ship-jumpers’

Deveryn Ross 4 minute read Preview

Departing MLAs are not ‘ship-jumpers’

Deveryn Ross 4 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Over the past week, there has been a great deal of discussion in the Manitoba media about Progressive Conservative MLAs announcing they won’t be seeking re-election in the upcoming provincial election. A new announcement almost each day has created a perception that PC caucus members are running for the doors.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Deputy premier Cliff Cullen, the Progressive Conservative MLA for Spruce Woods, is one of multiple Tory MLAs who will not seek re-election this fall. (File)

Deputy premier Cliff Cullen, the Progressive Conservative MLA for Spruce Woods, is one of multiple Tory MLAs who will not seek re-election this fall. (File)

Human contact can do wonders

5 minute read Preview

Human contact can do wonders

5 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

“There is robust evidence that social isolation and loneliness significantly increase risk for premature mortality, and the magnitude of the risk exceeds that of many leading health indicators.”

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Shoppers wait in line at the Real Canadian Superstore in Brandon in this file image. (The Brandon Sun)

Shoppers wait in line at the Real Canadian Superstore in Brandon in this file image. (The Brandon Sun)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Premiers’ stance worrisome

3 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Absent in the ongoing debate regarding funding of health care between the federal and provincial/territorial governments is the lack of openness on the part of the premiers regarding their objectives and intentions.

In a recent article, with photo in regard to “homelessness” and the homeless living in a bus shelter, I was struck by the picture. It showed how organized the person who was living in the bus shelter seemed to be. What I saw was what looked like a shelving unit and the person’s belongings organized in “an orderly fashion.” What did I expect? Well, assuming that being homeless implies “chaos,” then certainly a much less orderly appearance of the bus shelter might be expected. In essence, that person had made the bus shelter a “home.” So, what to make of that?

Sobriety’s benefits should be embraced

4 minute read Preview

Sobriety’s benefits should be embraced

4 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

A newfound interest in sober living among younger generations is driving positive change in restaurants and bars, locally and abroad.

Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

Research over the last few years suggests that more young people are abstaining from alcohol, compaired to their older counterparts.

Research over the last few years suggests that more young people are abstaining from alcohol, compaired to their older counterparts.

REGIONAL VIEWPOINT: Freedom ‘fighters’ not fighting for Indigenous

Niigaan Sinclair 5 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

A coalition of mostly Indigenous organizations, families and survivors of violence has issued a statement to denounce the so-called freedom convoy for its “blatant use of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit kin to further their own misguided and propagandic agenda.”

REGIONAL VIEWPOINT: Cruise control Kinew’s best strategy

Tom Brodbeck 4 minute read Preview

REGIONAL VIEWPOINT: Cruise control Kinew’s best strategy

Tom Brodbeck 4 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

What would it take for NDP Leader Wab Kinew to lose the next provincial election? Quite a bit. With his party polling almost 30 percentage points ahead of the Tories in the all-important electoral battleground of Winnipeg, there would have to be a seismic shift in public support for Premier Heather Stefanson to keep her job after the next election, scheduled for Oct. 3.

Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

Tom Brodbeck writes that NDP Leader Wab Kinew doesn’t have to do much beyond pointing out the Progressive Conservative government’s flaws to win the next provincial election. (File)

Tom Brodbeck writes that NDP Leader Wab Kinew doesn’t have to do much beyond pointing out the Progressive Conservative government’s flaws to win the next provincial election. (File)

NATIONAL VIEWPOINT: Canada’s leaders facing security risk

Sean Spence 5 minute read Preview

NATIONAL VIEWPOINT: Canada’s leaders facing security risk

Sean Spence 5 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

Near the end of 2022, it was reported that the RCMP faces a severe shortage of police officers to protect federal ministers, diplomats and other government officials.

Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

The RCMP is facing a severe shortage of officers to protect federal ministers, diplomats and other government officials, and Sean Spence writes that it couldn’t come at a worse time, seeing that threats against Canadian politicians — including Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — appear to be at an all-time high. (File)

The RCMP is facing a severe shortage of officers to protect federal ministers, diplomats and other government officials, and Sean Spence writes that it couldn’t come at a worse time, seeing that threats against Canadian politicians — including Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — appear to be at an all-time high. (File)

Immigration boom creates challenges, opportunities

3 minute read Preview

Immigration boom creates challenges, opportunities

3 minute read Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

Canada is in the midst of an immigration boom. Are we ready for all the change that’s coming?

Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

A Canadian flag along the road in front of the Parliament buildings ahead of Canada Day in Ottawa.

A Canadian flag along the road in front of the Parliament buildings ahead of Canada Day in Ottawa.