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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 16/12/2019 (1872 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

Intricate patterns of frost catch beams of light on a porch window on 15th Street as the sun rises on a bitterly cold weekend morning. The photos were taken with a macro lens, which helps magnify fine details not easily noticed by the human eye. For more photos, turn to Page A2. (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Intricate patterns of frost catch beams of light on a porch window on 15th Street as the sun rises on a bitterly cold weekend morning. The photos were taken with a macro lens, which helps magnify fine details not easily noticed by the human eye. For more photos, turn to Page A2. (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun
Intricate patterns of frost catch beams of light on a porch window on 15th Street over the weekend. Environment Canada predicts that the deep freeze that descended on much of Manitoba over the weekend will lessen briefly today, with Brandon reaching a high of -8 C, though we're right back into cold weather on Tuesday and a high of -19 C. Expect less frigid temperatures as the week progresses.
Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun Intricate patterns of frost catch beams of light on a porch window on 15th Street over the weekend. Environment Canada predicts that the deep freeze that descended on much of Manitoba over the weekend will lessen briefly today, with Brandon reaching a high of -8 C, though we're right back into cold weather on Tuesday and a high of -19 C. Expect less frigid temperatures as the week progresses.
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